Archive for the ‘Interior’ Category

Closet Shelving Ideas to Get Your Home More Organized

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There are so many ways to organize your closet. To get a well-organized closet, the first thing you have to do is you have to short and eliminate through all of your clothes and stuffs you don’t really need.

Closet shelving is a one of great ways to add additional storage and organization to your closets, especially if you have a small space. There are so many toturial on how to build and install your own built-in shelving unit for a closet. Closet shelves can be made from various materials such as plywood, solid wood, wire, or a composite material. If you don’t have any real closets then you can use wire wall racks and hangers that are easy to install. Wire Shelving is known for its strength, flexibility, and price. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Evica

July 27th, 2015 at 4:11 pm

Natural Warm Kitchen with Pine Cabinetry

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Warming Up your kitchen with pine Cabinetry. Pine wood is a softwood. This type of wood is one of the most commonly used softwoods, since it is cheaper than other soft woods and it is easier to work with. It accepts many types of glue, works well and is easily shaped with or without power tools, so you can get warm, beautiful and functional cabinetry, furniture, doors, and various purposes from this softwood.

If you want to build a new or remodel your kitchen into a warm, natural kitchen with wood cabinetry such as a farmhouse kitchen, but your budget is limited, then using the pine woods as the main material is the answer for you. You can use pine woods as floors, cabinets, walls, countertops etc, to add warmth and dramatic lift in your kitchen interior. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Evica

July 27th, 2015 at 3:47 pm