Archive for the ‘Furniture’ Category

The FLYTE Levitating LED Light Bulb

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This awesome levitating light bulb is called the FLYTE, created by Simon Morris. Is it magic? No, the FLYTE light bulb uses electromagnets controlled by a microprocessor and pull powered wirelessly through induction that transmits about 5V, so it is safe and harmless. Furthermore, it even doesn’t requires batteries, thanks to its low energy LED. It has a lifetime of 50 000 Hours ( 22 years based on 6 hours a day).

Gently lower the bulb over the center of the base, and when it positioned exactly at the center of the base, you will feel a gentle release, then slowly let go and it willl lock in position. To turn on or off Flyte, you can just simply touch the surface of the base, which has touch sensors. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Evica

July 27th, 2015 at 4:06 pm